

Page history last edited by GovCampSG 13 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to GovCamp Singapore

GovCampSG is an event in the spirit of BarCamp for governments and other public institutions to share social and technology solutions to turn them into Government 2.0. It is also to promote active citizenry among the people to participate and take an active role in society.


The theme for this GovCampSG is "Connecting people, data, and ideas", revolving around 2 main topics - "Engagement" and "Open Data".



Date: 18th November 2011

Time: 3pm till Late

Venue: The Rock Auditorium, Suntec City

RSVP: http://on.fb.me/govcampsg or http://swap.com.sg/ms/edm2/govcampsg/



For the latest agenda, check out http://govcamp.sg/1/3/0/Agenda.

Biographies of GovCampSG Facilitators and Speakers for Breakout Sessions


Submitting and Voting for Topics for Breakout (starts at 6pm)

Because GovCampSG is for you, the participants, the discussions and talks are created by you. If you have anything you'll like to share or discuss, Submit a Topic and we'll put it up for voting. You don't have to constrain yourself to the 2 main tracks. 30 minutes per topic, whiteboards, paper, markers (we discourage powerpoint slides).


Due to constraints, we can only select the top 8 voted topics. We're going to accomodate all topics! We're arranging for We have more "open rooms" for anyone who strongly wants to share but wasn't selected. Remember, this is GovCampSG, where you create the content you want. So submit a topic now!


Schedule (Beta)




1730 to 1800

1800 to 1830

1830 to 1900

1900 to 1930

1930 to 2000

2000 onwards

Auditorium 1



Co-creation with Government Data -From Rhetoric to Reality

(Dr. Guo Lei from NUS- ISS)

A Singapore on data Marketplace - The Good, The Bad and The Pretty

(Neng Giin)

Is Open Data enough?

(Jianggan Li)


Facebook/Twitter Engagement By Public Sector

(Xinghui Guo)

Active Citizenry One App at a time

(Ridzuan Ashim)


VIP Room



Are we ready for Society 2.0

(Prof. Ashish Lall from NUS - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)

The game of collaboration: Why Collaboration fail and How gamification can help

(Roan Yong)

Pictures of Numbers

(Shanyang Yin)

How has social media added to or subtracted from communication between the government and the public?

(Robin Ann Rheaume)

Social tools for emergency preparedness

(Preetam Rai)


Inner Foyer 1




Online Activism: Mainstreaming Civil Society

(James Gomez)

How can citizens make a difference?

(Kirsten Han)

Wish List for Open Data

(Shanyang Yin)



Walkway 1










Walkway 2









Everywhere 250 Drinks Drinks Drinks Drinks Drinks Drinks



Tracks Topic Abstract  Facilitator / Speaker Vote (Just press the Like or +1 button to vote)


Facebook/Twitter Engagement By Public Sector

Share how the public sector use various social networks to expand their engagement and lessons you have learnt while engaging the public online. Xinghui Guo



Lessons from the recent elections

Social media made a huge impact on how campaigning and reaching out to people during the recent elections. Share some of the lessons, what happened, and what could have been better. (Open to anyone interested to facilitate)




How has social media added to or subtracted from communication between the government and the public?

Does social media improve communication and understanding between the public and policy makers or does it simply lead to more noise, unrealistic expectations of responsiveness and frustration? Should we expect all government officials to be accessible at the click of a wall posting? Does the lack of formality improve or reduce constructive conversation between government and the public? What would improve the online relationship between the two groups?  Robin Ann Rheaume





How can citizens make a difference?

Share how you, as a citizen or someone from the public sector, has helped make a difference to Singapore, no matter how small it is. And how you went about achieving that. 

Kirsten Han




The game of collaboration: Why Collaboration fail and How gamification can help

Collaboration is the most spoken word in business. The value of doing it seems clear, i.e. if you collaborate, then you will get better results. And the advent of social technology (social media), e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc - seems to suggest that people can successfully collaborate anytime anywhere. Unfortunately, many collaborative efforts turn up to be disasters and frustrate all collaborators. Having fantastic collaborative tools (social technology) at our disposal, doesn't make us better collaborators.


In this talk, Roan is going to share with you, why collaboration often fails and how gamification can solve the puzzle of collaboration. 

Roan Yong




Social tools for emergency preparedness

Let's look at some examples where the government and the public used social tools in emergency preparedness and response. Let's also crowd source some ideas on how we can quickly put together such platforms in case of natural disasters and other emergencies. Preetam Rai




Online Activism: Mainstreaming Civil Society

Sustained civil society activism requires creativity, innovation and evolution. This sums up the experiences of Dr. James Gomez who has been involved in initiatives such as The Working Committee (TWC) and is the founding Executive-Director of two political associations the Think Centre (1999) and Singaporeans For Democracy (2010) (SFD). He has also been a front runner of internet activism in Singapore and contested in two general elections in 2006 (Workers’ Party) and in 2011 (Singapore Democratic Party). Dr. Gomez will talk about his latest initiative - The GOMEZ Centre (www.thegomezcentre.com) as well as highlight ideas from his work, civil society and elections. He will share what are the things that inspired him to action in the last 12 years and in doing so he hopes he can inspire others into action! 

James Gomez




Are we ready for Society 2.0

Gov 2.0 begins with citizens and society.  The way we engage with each other reflects or impacts how we engage with government.  How do we engage? And how has that changed with social media?  Are we more transparent in our interactions, do we show more trust?  Are we ready for collaboration? Prof. Ashish Lall from NUS - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy


Open Data


Is Open Data enough?

data.gov.sg has a whole slew of raw data available for consumption in computer readable formats. But are they enough? What else needs to be done? Do you want information rather than data? Should private data be also made available in a restricted way? Jianggan Li


Open Data


A Transparent Government – Is that even possible?

What constitutes transparency within the Government? What can and cannot be disclosed? What are some of the reasons for decisions made? How does a government start becoming more transparent? (Open to anyone interested to facilitate)


Open Data


Wish List for Open Data

Even though the data is available, it is how you use the data and change it into something informative for people to use. What are some of these information you want to see? Shanyang Yin


Open Data


How do we cut the red tape?

The common belief is that when as bloggers or researchers, trying to get data from the various ministries can be a stumbling block. How can we better address this?  CANCELLED


Open Data


Active Citizenry One App at a time

Everyone's going to be engaging in dialogue. Instead of just talking and talking and talking, let's sit down and figure out ONE project we could do and, at a later date, gather developers who want to help build that project, go to Hackerspace one night and actually build something.  Ridzuan Ashim 


Open Data
Pictures of Numbers 

Data visualisation & information graphics are essentially pictures of numbers. But it is my belief that through this translation of data to pictures, it’s possible to reveal patterns that were previously hidden in the details.


We’ll come to look at some of the lessons & processes through the lens of projects past: a couple of elections and a public transport network.

Shanyang Yin 


Open Data 


A Singapore on data Marketplace - The Good, The Bad and The Pretty 

“How cool is it, if we can have an Web service that tells me where I can find the nearest Chicken Rice stall?”


How will open data drive the next wave of innovation?

Neng Giin


Open Data


Co-creation with Government Data -From Rhetoric to Reality

Unavailable  Dr. Guo Lei from NUS-ISS



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