
Online Activism: Mainstreaming Civil Society

Page history last edited by GovCampSG 13 years, 2 months ago


Sustained civil society activism requires creativity, innovation and evolution. This sums up the experiences of Dr. James Gomez who has been involved in initiatives such as The Working Committee (TWC) and is the founding Executive-Director of two political associations the Think Centre (1999) and Singaporeans For Democracy (2010) (SFD). He has also been a front runner of internet activism in Singapore and contested in two general elections in 2006 (Workers’ Party) and in 2011 (Singapore Democratic Party). Dr. Gomez will talk about his latest initiative - The GOMEZ Centre (www.thegomezcentre.com) as well as highlight ideas from his work, civil society and elections. He will share what are the things that inspired him to action in the last 12 years and in doing so he hopes he can inspire others into action! 


Type: Talk

Facilitator / Speaker: Dr. James Gomez


Dr. James Gomez has over 20 year of international experience as a policy and communications specialist with inter-governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, think-tanks and universities in Australia, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand and United Kingdom.Before embarking on The GOMEZ Centre initiative, Dr. Gomez was an academic from May 2009 to May 2011 at Monash University where he served as Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts and Head of Public Relations, School of Applied Media and Social Science. Dr. Gomez is best known in Singapore for civil and political work. 

Website: http://www.thegomezcentre.com


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